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Джерело: https://ukr.media/ukrain/217246/ |
Тоді була історія, що одного мого знайомого запросили подивитися на прибуття вже в серпні третього, з його слів, літака Канадської нелетальної гуманітарної допомоги. Він туда приїхав, прочекав від 16-ї до 21-ї години. Пришов якийсь співробітник чи то секретаріату Президента, чи то якогось міністрества, виступив перед журналістами на фоні люлей, яких як мого знайомого, запросили під крилом якоїсь організації, яка працює з біженцями зустріти цей вантаж. Потім був скандал: запрошені спитали в чиновника, чому їм не показали літак, той сказав, що вантаж вони вже не побачать, бо його віддали певній держагенції. Інтернетом гуляє відео цієї розмови. Зараз його ще можна знайти. Мого знайомого, який зняв і завантажив відео про чиновника в інтернет, як він розказав, відвідала вдома керівниця організації, яка заманила людей і два мужчини. Вони попросили його забрати
Факт, що ця військова нелетальна допомога не перша. І факт, що з попередніми не так всьо і ясно.
Що то був за чиновник і, особливо, кому передали вантаж не ясно. Переписка з канадцем так само нічого не пояснила. Наволджу вам її майже повністю:
Що то був за чиновник і, особливо, кому передали вантаж не ясно. Переписка з канадцем так само нічого не пояснила. Наволджу вам її майже повністю:
13 вересня. John Badcock:
"I understand you were in contact with one of my colleagues. Please see the response below and feel free to quote me as spokes person for the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.
Kind regards,
Since the onset of the crisis, Canada has stood proudly alongside the people of Ukraine and has taken a number of important steps to support the country.
• Canada is providing over $250 million to support Ukraine through the current crisis and to help implement key reforms and stabilize its economy, and has imposed sanctions against more than 180 Russian and Ukrainian individuals and entities.
• Furthermore, Canada continues to provide training for Ukrainian military and civilian personnel through the Military Training Cooperation Program and has contributed $5 million in non-lethal security assistance to Ukraine. This includes a range of targeted protection, medical and logistical equipment, such as helmets, ballistic eyewear, protective vests, first aid kits, tents and sleeping bags. The equipment will help strengthen border security in Ukraine by enhancing Ukraine’s capacity to detect the illicit movement of goods and people.
• On September 4, 2014, Prime Minister Harper announced support through the NATO Trust Funds, with a focus on building up Ukrainian command and control and communications and computer capabilities to assist in improving personnel management systems and reform logistics and standardization within the Armed Forces.
For more information on Canada’s Response to the Situation in Ukraine:
PM to welcome Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to Canada: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/09/11/pm-welcome-ukrainian-president-petro-poroshenko-canada
PM welcomes report by Canada’s election observer mission on Ukrainian Presidential election:http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/09/11/pm-welcomes-report-canadas-election-observer-mission-ukrainian-presidential-election "
• Canada is providing over $250 million to support Ukraine through the current crisis and to help implement key reforms and stabilize its economy, and has imposed sanctions against more than 180 Russian and Ukrainian individuals and entities.
• Furthermore, Canada continues to provide training for Ukrainian military and civilian personnel through the Military Training Cooperation Program and has contributed $5 million in non-lethal security assistance to Ukraine. This includes a range of targeted protection, medical and logistical equipment, such as helmets, ballistic eyewear, protective vests, first aid kits, tents and sleeping bags. The equipment will help strengthen border security in Ukraine by enhancing Ukraine’s capacity to detect the illicit movement of goods and people.
• On September 4, 2014, Prime Minister Harper announced support through the NATO Trust Funds, with a focus on building up Ukrainian command and control and communications and computer capabilities to assist in improving personnel management systems and reform logistics and standardization within the Armed Forces.
For more information on Canada’s Response to the Situation in Ukraine:
PM to welcome Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to Canada: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/
PM welcomes report by Canada’s election observer mission on Ukrainian Presidential election:http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/
10 жовтня. Олексій Півторак
"Good afernoon.
Thank you for response. I have one more question: Was the receiver Ukrainian Government, some State Agency, and which, or some NGO? Who personally was responsible for accepting of that aid in Ukrainian airport? This information is needed because of creating a matherial and comment of this person will be very useful."
10 жовтня. John Badcock
Information can be found at the following link. (also pasted below.)
Thank you,
Canada Announces Support for Religious Freedom in Ukraine
October 8, 2014 - Andrew Bennett, Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom, today announced two projects to be supported by the Religious Freedom Fund in Ukraine.
“Canada is proud of its long-standing support to the Ukrainian people in advancing freedom and democracy,” said Ambassador Bennett. “These projects aim to foster the development of a political culture in Ukraine that facilitates democratization, religious freedom and pluralism, which are ideals we share and will courageously defend and protect as the cornerstone of our enduring friendship.”
The Office of Religious Freedom is partnering with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe through its Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights to increase awareness of international standards on freedom of religion or belief, to prevent and respond to hate crimes, and to facilitate multi-community dialogue on FoRB issues.
The Office is also partnering with the Catholic Near East Welfare Association to educate and promote understanding among the many diverse ethnic and civil communities in different regions of Ukraine.
“It is essential that all Ukrainians, regardless of their church or faith, be allowed to contribute to Ukraine’s democratic development without fear of violence or consequence,” Ambassador Bennett added.
This funding follows the announcement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper earlier this year of $220.9 million in financial assistance to promote economic and social development in Ukraine.
The Religious Freedom Fund, which is managed by the Office of Religious Freedom at Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, aims to increase the capacity of organizations in various countries to directly address violations of freedom through a variety of activities, including awareness-building initiatives, legal and legislative training and support for the promotion of freedom of religion and pluralism.
A backgrounder follows.
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For further information, media representatives may contact:
Media Relations Office
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada343-203-7700
Twitter: @FreedomReligion and@DFATDCanada
Facebook: Canada’s Office of Religious Freedom
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada343-203-7700
Twitter: @FreedomReligion and
Facebook: Canada’s Office of Religious Freedom
Backgrounder: Two Projects Funded by Religious Freedom Fund in Ukraine
Promoting Security for Religious Communities and Others in Ukraine
A three-year project ($950,000), in partnership with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) through its Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), that is expected to:
· Increase awareness of international standards on freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) and the role of the state in securing them among members of civil society and religious and belief communities, local and regional authorities and judiciary representatives;
· Provide technical skills and professional material related to FoRB and the prevention of and response to hate crimes to civil society, religious and belief communities and law enforcement personnel; and
· Enable dialogue among civil society institutions, religious or belief groups and local and regional authorities about the security of religious and belief communities.
The OSCE, through ODIHR, has worked in the area of FoRB since 1997 and on hate crimes since 2006. ODIHR’s extensive use of the2004 Guidelines for Review of Legislation Pertaining to Religion or Belief has given it substantial experience in these areas and a solid reputation that is recognized by international non-governmental organizations, government officials, religious and belief communities and civil society organizations. ODIHR has also produced guidelines on the recognition of religious and belief communities.
Promotion of Religious Tolerance and Reconciliation in Ukrainian Civil Society
A two-year project ($240,000) partnering with the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) that will deepen inter-cultural awareness and understanding among the many diverse ethnic and civil communities in different regions of Ukraine.
The project aims to provide a better understanding of the challenges to freedom of religious expression, an increased level of religious tolerance in Ukrainian society based on better knowledge of historical facts and rejection of Soviet stereotypes as well as leadership skills for democracy building and intercultural and inter-religious tolerance through international student exchanges, lecture series and summer programs.
CNEWA has conducted charitable work throughout the Middle East, northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe for more than 85 years and has been present in Ukraine since 1993."
13 жовтня. Олексій Півторак
"Sorry. This is information concerning present issues. i need information about August in aspect who was receiver Ukrainian Government, which detartment of it, NGO and who personally was responsible for reception of the aid of Canadian Government for Ukraine."
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