Відповідальний з РФ за Митний Союз і співпрацю з діаспорою Росії: справжній ворог України - Бжезінський

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Леонід Едуардович Слуцький - голова комітету Держдуми РФ з питань СНД, Євразійської інтеграції і зв’язків зі співвітчизниками. Він давав сьогодні інтерв’ю під Генеральним консульством РФ в Сімферополі.
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Ось текст:

Georgian Colleague What is your opinion concernig referendum? How soon will you negotiate the decision of crimean people in Gosudarstvennaya Duma?
Russian Man Let's wait for results of the referendum. Now we cannot forsee its results, especially today in a day of silence. Let's wait for the time when the people of Crimea would freely express their will. In case they vote for Russia we'll negotiate it as soon as possible in Gosudarstvennaya Duma. Concerning the situation with procedures. I'm not ready to answer this question. We'll negotiane this problem in GD. I can tell for sure that it won't consume a lot of time. I can tell only one thing. By this we restore a historical justice. Crimea always was a part of Russia and now when it's a heart of fight against the regime of banditits who illegitimally usurpated power in Kyiv today the lives of people are in danger. I can tell that we have to not allow a blood. We'll solve all these problems after referendum. I din't want all these decisions forsee or anticipate. See you tomorrow.
Georgian Colleague What to do whether international community won't recognise your decision?
Russian Man Remember when we restored a constitutional order in Chechen Republic, rememember how we were defamed by them for recognition of independence of Abhazia and Southern Osetia. Gergia untill now considers these countries to be a part of their territory. We are in not easy possition, but we are cannot in front of “russian world,” culture and language just accept a situation and remain indifferent to the fact that our compatriots on the territory of Ucraine are killed, displaced and them forbid speak russian. It is a top of all these dissatisfactions, which appeared during our newest history when smb was trying to build on a planet monopolar world in contrast to polipolar world with a leading role of UN, which was formed in the world after WW II. And for these powers only a vision/ghost of joining by a Ucraine Customs Union was a nightmare.
Let's remember a book published in 1997 “Big Chessboard” by Brzezinsky. In it is mentioned that now is happening building a new world order with a lading role of USA, against Russia. Russia without Ucraine is superstate without it not. The forpost of new world order is Ucraine. Same situation we see now. Customs Union would undermine the monopolar doctrine of Brzhezinsky. The presence of Ucraine in Customs Union would undermine for our western as I call them strategic friends is like a death any presence of it in strategic unions with Russia. Thats why in Kyiv since the Nowemder in Kyiv are coming like from cornucopia tens of western high weight politicians who trampled all norms of international laws and practices and called to change a legitimate gowernment. And then tha banditic masses of protesters became uncontrolled by the leaders of the opposition. Was blood. That's why we have to protect the compatriots in Crimea and Black Sea fleet. And I'm sure and you have to understand that it is a geopolitical and geopolitical bout. The aim of it is the destiny monopolar world and russian world thrughover the planet. And we haven't where to go back like a 28 Panfilovtsi near Moscow. Today we cannot give up our people in Ucraine.
German Colleague I'd lice to ask you a question for Germans. For development of EU what a results can have happening in Crimea.
Russinan Politician You know, now is difficult to imagine all those aggressive tendentions prevailing now in Kyiv. But, let's begin on the fact that we don't need a war with our nation-brother. The war wont be. But we never give up. And we are united it this with the biggest word states, who protect their compatriots. Like a germany. I have to mention as example Goethe institute which united the germans from all the world. And if somwhere is a threat for germany, german language I'm sure that germany'd protect its people. We have to understand that so,e of our western, as I call them strategic friens try to separate in civilisational dimension Russia and Ucraine, trampling cruelly russian language, and important international conventions including the UN Convention for Human Rights, the European Charter for Minor Languages.
I'm sure that common sense'd triumph. Our actions are recognisrd by many European intellectuals in many countries. It will be hard for us to communicate on many internation parliamentary organisations. But we have to withstand to protect our people not to allow forming on the planet monopolar world order. And I think lots of people in the whole world would support us.
German Colleague Tomorrow we would see some result of the referendum. But I'm not sure that Crimean tatars and russin support it.
Russian Politician Let's wait for the results of referendum. I'm sure that crimean tatars and Ucrainians would express their opinion. In future Crimea russian language, crimean tatars', ukrainian should have the same rights. Future Crimea will be an example of peaceful cohabitation of all nations, all languages and all confessions. And Crimea will be an example for everyone.
German Colleague How to make it?
Russian Politician I think that Crimeans can do it.
German Colleague Will Russia help them?
Russian Politician In case crimeans call it, Russia'd help. Futhermore if Crimea will be till that time an autonomous republic of Russia.
German Colleague Don't you are afraid of some...
Russian Politician No, we are not afraid of international conflicts in Crimea, and we are sure it won't happen.

German Colleague Spasiba.

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